Leadership & Team Development,

Transformation, Resilience

For You

What brought you here, might not take you any further. Are you facing a situation or leadership challenge that requires transformation, or are you yearning for transformation? Do you have a desire to grow beyond yourself, whilst staying resourced and healthy?


Leadership Coaching – the only way out is through


Transformation Journeys – falling in love with uncomfortzoning


People & Team Development – It all boils down to connection!


Resilience Lounges – pit-stops to nourish your resources


Renewal Retreats – time out to tune in

My work is about enabling transformation within you. Transformation is a multilayer process concerned with a fundamental change in attitudes and behaviors.

The important thing here is that life does not take place in isolation from others, but is characterized by interacting, connecting and relating with others; and it is only through this connection that our mindsets, behaviors and patterns come to the surface. However, to connect to others we need to be able to connect with ourselves first.

So, Transformation is fundamentally about “Relationship Competence”, about bringing more consciousness into how we relate to ourselves and each other.

There is no transformation without Uncomfortzoning. Under uncomfortzoning I understand sitting with the discomfort and fear that drive us in our reactive, mostly unhelpful behaviors. It’s about courage and vulnerability, about being with, embracing and accepting the fear and discomfort, and thus creating a space in which we can consciously decide to respond differently. Uncomfortzoning creates the space for transformation. And it can be deeply satisfying, fulfilling and fun.

The Flow of Transformation versus Stagnation

My strengths lie in understanding the personal and environmental context of my clients as well as creating an atmosphere of openness and trust which, in turn, allows real transformation to take place. I listen to your needs, together, we create bespoke solutions and I bring in my long-time experiences in the global industry from operational roles as well as facilitator, coach, yoga teacher, uncomfortzoning and nature lover. I have a passion for finding creative solutions to challenges you face. Involving the mind, body, emotions, senses and building on your personal experiences with growth and change all plays a central role in my work.


I am acting in partnership with highly effective international groups and organizations in the field of leadership and transformation. Thus we provide multiple perspectives to leadership and business through our diverse backgrounds and experiences. We deliver solutions in several languages.