Leadership and Resilience Coach,
Facilitator of Transformation,
Development Junkie and
Nature Lover from Oberaudorf.
About Me
I help leaders and teams through tailor-made, highly interactive and experimental interventions to grow beyond themselves while staying resourced and healthy, so they can do with full strength what they are longing to do:
have an impact in the world !
Story behind my Claim
It feels to me like I have been uncomfortzoning forever.
I like to describe myself as a ‘development junkie.’ I love to be stretched and grow, to step into the unknown, be challenged and dare to try new and different things.
A wild, crazy challenge? I’ll be right there. There’s been many moments in which I needed things ‘loud’: jumping into a crevasse, doing a bungee jump, swimming in icy water, walking over hot coals to name but a few. With every experience I learn a little more about myself and my limits. I push the boundaries and create a new normal.
The vast majority of my uncomfortzoning takes place during everyday life, however, and involves exploring my own behavioural challenges, such as letting go of my desire to shape and control things, or deliberately entering into conversations I know I’d rather avoid. It is an ongoing process of consciously observing and getting to know myself, remaining open to alternative perspectives and experimenting with doing things differently. It’s a continuous dance of uncomfortzoning but deeply satisfying all the same when I catch the flow.
So uncomfortzoning has become an integral part of my life. ‘Has become,’ you say? Well, it’s been there since forever in fact…
You can find more detail on my story here: How my claim came to life

My beliefs, my desire

- You can only transform what you are aware of! Becoming more conscious of ourselves, our habits and behavioural patterns is the first step choosing to do things differently.
- I am deeply convinced that it’s all about relational competency. Once we learn to continuously stay in connection with ourselves and others, if we really listen and try to understand what is going on below the surface rather than being quick to judge what we see, we can successfully master any challenge.
- I am absolutely positive that we can only be healthy, resilient and at our best if we respect our energetic needs.
- I want to make people fall in love with playful uncomfortzoning that takes them further and nourishes them!
What just few know about me
When I was 15, a growth test predicted I would be 196 cm tall. My growth was slowed down and today I’m a ‘mere’ 183 cm tall.
I like to be pragmatic, I buy two or three pairs of the same item of clothing if I like it.
When I discover a new favorite song, I’ll listen to it on a loop for days until it’s coming out of my ears. I’m the same with food – I can eat nothing but my favorite dish for days at a time.
I love curries – and everything that has a ‘soupy’ consistency – drinking hot water, yoga, meditation and nature. The latter three I enjoy weaving into my work with clients.
My private Me

Once in a while I turn myself upside down to get a different perspective, literally.
I get really excited very easily and enjoy trying out new things. I can’t help myself once I’ve caught the bug for something. When I’m really focused it’s as if the world could fall apart around me and I wouldn’t realize. My friends would say I can be extremely disciplined. Lord of the Rings and Star Wars are my cup of tea, but then again, I’m still disappointed Luke Skywalker and Princess Lea were siblings and not a couple. I quite enjoy some types of pain – that ‘developmental pain’ when I’m about to take a leap into the unknown and grow as a person, that ‘birth pain’ when an idea develops in my head over the course of a few days or weeks and finally makes its way onto paper, and, finally, this insanely relaxed feeling after the pain of a powerful massage. If something is on my mind, no distance is too far and no effort too great. This is how it happens that I import chocolate from overseas; this chocolate simply can’t be beaten! Outdoor sports, crossfit, yoga, meditation as well as good conversations with a dose of humor fuel me, and with roasted nuts (130 ° for 25 mins) you’ll win my heart.
Nice to meet you, feel free to check in with me!
Before becoming a facilitator and coach, Kathrin acquired her skills during the 18 years she spent across diverse, leading roles in Human Resources Management in the Aerospace and Automotive Industry. She lived and worked in France for 9 years.
She has led on human integration processes in major transformation projects in addition to a corporate engagement programme in a large international organisation, delivering to 110,000 people. She has designed and delivered effective team and leadership development programmes, ranging from large group events to customised team solutions and one-to-one coaching.
In her work as facilitator and coach, Kathrin designs and facilitates effective interventions on issues of leadership development and transformation, helping organisations to thrive.
Kathrin holds a diploma in Business/Management Economics & Sport, and a Master of HR Management & Organisational Development. She is a certified facilitator of value-based transformation as well as a certified business coach and embodied yoga teacher.